Nanny Classifieds leads the fight against Nanny job scams with innovative protective measures that identify and prevent it’s members from Internet Scam and Fraud attempts

Posted on by Deborah | in Nanny News, Uncategorized

The website is the single most safe and secure database for stopping these, and any other scam attempts BEFORE they reach you.

We have taken exhaustive measures that no others have to protect our members from fraudulent transactions and scam attempts. The following is another scam attempt to better inform our community. If you receive emails of this nature or similar, please do not respond. Report the issue to .

You can help in the fight of these Internet Nanny Job Scams, by joining By joining (it’s free), you can be assured that as a nanny, family, or agency, you will find the most qualified and trusted candidates. Rest assured, knowing our database is more secure than anything out there in identifying and preventing scams before they reach our members.

Nannies can create a profile and post their resume for free to the site by going to the following link:

Families can create an account and post their job ads to the site by going to the following secure link:

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