5 Ways Nannies Exceed Employer Expectations

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While working as a nanny, situations may come up where you are asked to take on additional duties or you identify additional ways that you can help the family out.  Nannies are often cautious about taking on extra tasks, as it may lead to an ongoing extra workload without extra compensation.

Talking with your employer before taking on any additional tasks can help prevent any misunderstandings about expected duties and responsibilities. However, in special cases when you take the initiative and go above and beyond, you show that you are a devoted employee who is willing to take the initiative.

Help Out When the Family Hosts Guests
When the family will be hosting guests, you can do a few small things that will resonate hugely with your employers.  Offering to check the sheets and towels to be sure they are clean and fresh from the last use and ensuring there is adequate tissue and toilet paper and that toiletries are full are simple things that you can do to help out. Consider picking up fresh flowers, but be sure to ask first about allergies or special preferences. Setting the guestroom clock, putting empty hangers in the closet and being sure that there are extra pillows, blankets and a nightlight available are other simple ways you can help.

If your employers have house rules, such as no shoes in the home or don’t feed the dog people food, type up these rules and place them in a pretty frame in the guest room so that the guests can feel comfortable and welcome without worrying about if they’re inadvertently doing something wrong.

The nice part about helping out is that the kids can play a part in the preparations with you and feel as if they had a part in getting things ready when the guests come to visit.

Offer Additional Assistance When Your Boss Gets Sick
No one likes to be sick, and trying to care for the kids while feeling under the weather is no fun. Should your employer become sick, offering to pick up her prescription at the pharmacy or running any errands that she needs to get done will be a welcomed act of goodwill.  Preparing a few meals and sticking them in the freezer with instructions is also a nice way to show you care. Offering to stay late to help with meals, a bath or bedtime if you can, or volunteering to come in early to help get the kids off to school if that’s not a part of your normal routine, can often be the most helpful thing you can do.

Help Get the Kids Ready for Travel

Chances are, you can pull together a packing list and get the kids’ stuff ready in no time. Offering to lay out the kids clothing and toiletries and help the kids pack a small bag with age-appropriate activities and snacks based on the mode of transportation – airplane, car or cruise – can be super helpful.  Be sure to check the destination for weather information and pack accordingly.  Also, checking to see if the baby gear they’ll need will be readily available can save your employers from running into any surprises.
Creating a baby proofing kit that can be used in a host home or hotel will come in handier than your employer may think. Ask your boss about purchasing some new toys, games, coloring supplies and books for the kids for added entertainment.

Lend a Hand Around the Holidays

The holiday seasons are busy for everyone, but a little added effort on your part could go a long way in helping your employer to succeed in getting everything accomplished. Wrapping gifts and placing a post-it note on the package with the contents so mom and dad can write out gift tags can be really helpful. Addressing family holiday cards, mailing packages and shopping for gifts may also be appreciated.  Preparing for and coordinating the post-holiday returns is another way you can provide a helping hand during the holiday season.

Help Prepare for Birthdays

Offering to help plan and coordinate your charge’s birthday can take a load off of your employer’s already full plate. Sending out invitations, helping to plan games and entertainment and shopping for goody bags are tangible ways you can help. After the party, helping your charge write out thank-you notes will not only reinforce good manners, it will also help him say thank-you in a meaningful and appreciated way.

Before taking on additional tasks, be sure to give consideration to the time it will take you and the time it may take away from children.  Many of these tasks can be done while your charge is napping or while in school if your schedule permits.

Communicating with your employer is important whenever you’re taking on new tasks, but knowing you’re willing to help out in special circumstances will go a long way in their minds and show that you’re a dedicated and proactive employee.


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